• Magical Thinking

    Magical Thinking

    I found myself in a team building exercise last week, where the leader asked all of us what was something we believed we could do as children that was not possible.  The first thing that came to mind was that I really thought I could fly when I was around 4 years old.  I would… Continue reading

  • Hey You.

    …what I know for sure. I think you are going to be okay. Look at everything you’ve survived! I know life can be exhausting, and even painful at times. That’s why it’s so important to take in goodness as often as possible. A sunrise, the smile of a child, smelling a flower, helping a stranger…… Continue reading

  • Understanding Your Bodies Energy

    Understanding Your Bodies Energy

    …what I know so far. By Jodi Morris Where does energy come from?  What is its source? What gives us energy or takes energy from us? Socializing for introverts requires a great deal of energy.  Whereas, socializing for extroverts gives them energy.  What is the difference between them? In order to answer that question we… Continue reading

  • Mastering Your Internal Critics

    …as I know it. I am my own worst critic. After replaying a situation over and over again in my head, I will realize where I made my error in judgement. This mental board meeting is usually followed by some derogatory name calling, feelings of foolishness, maybe a quart of ice cream and a nap.… Continue reading

  • The Art of Connection

    In the ever-evolving world, the art of forging genuine connections remains timeless. Whether it’s with colleagues, clients, or partners, establishing a genuine rapport paves the way for collaborative success. Continue reading

  • Beyond the Obstacle

    Challenges in business are a given, but it’s our response to them that defines our trajectory. Looking beyond the immediate obstacle, there lies a realm of opportunity and learning. Continue reading

  • Growth Unlocked

    Every business has a unique potential waiting to be tapped. Recognizing the keys to unlock this growth can set an enterprise on the path to unprecedented success. Continue reading

  • Collaboration Magic

    The magic that emerges from effective collaboration is undeniable. When diverse minds converge with a shared purpose, the results can be transformative. Continue reading

  • Teamwork Triumphs

    What fosters effective teamwork? It’s not just about grouping individuals together and hoping for the best. It’s about cultivating an environment where trust, open communication, mutual respect, and a shared vision converge. Continue reading

  • Adaptive Advantage

    In an ever-shifting business landscape, adaptability isn’t just a trait—it’s a competitive advantage. Companies that embrace change, learn from challenges, and pivot when necessary are the ones that not only survive but also thrive in uncertain environments. Continue reading